Cow-Calf Bid Price and Budgets
Replacement Heifer Budgets
- Replacement Cost and Returns Calculation Decision Aids
- Commercial Bred Heifer Buyer’s Guide
- Feed and Grazing Cost Calculator Excel Spreadsheet
- Replacement Heifer Purchase and Sales Record PDF Description
- Replacement Heifer Purchase and Sales Record Excel Spreadsheet
- Replacement Heifer Monthly Inventory – Hd. Days & AUMs PDF Description
- Replacement Heifer Monthly Inventory – Hd. Days & AUMs Excel Spreadsheet
- Replacement Females Marketing Alternatives and Auction Costs PDF Description
- Replacement Females Marketing Alternatives and Auction Costs Excel Spreadsheet
- Replacement Heifer Purchase and Sales Record PDF Description
- Replacement Heifer Purchase and Sales Record Excel Spreadsheet
- Cow-Calf Herd Age Distribution Calculator Excel Spreadsheet
- Cow-Calf Herd Age Distribution Calculator Blank Excel Spreadsheet
- Beef Cow Herd Replacements Requirement Calculator PDF Description
- Beef Cow Herd Replacements Requirement Calculator Excel Spreadsheet
- Replacement Heifer Cleanup Bull Economics PDF Description
- Replacement Heifer Cleanup Bull Economics Excel Spreadsheet
Replacement Heifer Natural Service Budget
Conventional Artificial Insemination (AI) Heifer Budget
Replacement Heifer SPA Reproduction Performance
Replacement Heifer Budgeting Support Aids
Indirect Cost Calculator
Sexed Semen Artificial Insemination (AI) Heifer Budget
Cow-Calf Budgeting and Herd Bull Investment
- Cow-Calf Budget PDF Description
- Cow-Calf Budget Excel Spreadsheet
- Bull Investment and Cost Analysis PDF Description
- Bull Investment and Cost Analysis Excel Spreadsheet
- Breeding Service Exam (BSE) PDF Description
- Breeding Service Exam (BSE) Excel Spreadsheet
- Bull Ownership or Lease Bull Cost PDF Description
- Bull Ownership or Lease Bull Cost Excel Spreadsheet
- Cattle and Horse Beginning and Ending Fiscal Year Inventory by Category PDF Description
- Cattle and Horse Beginning and Ending Fiscal Year Inventory by Category Excel Spreadsheet
Retained Ownership (cull cows, stocker/feeder and custom finish)
- Sell or Keep to Upgrade Cull Cows PDF Description
- Sell or Keep to Upgrade Cull Cows Excel Spreadsheet
- Calves Stocker/Feeder Retained Ownership PDF Description
- Stocker-Feeder Profit Projection Budget Excel Spreadsheet
- Projected Profitability of Purchased Calves or Stockers Excel Spreadsheet
- Calculated Total Cattle, Feedings Costs and Net Margin Excel Spreadsheet
- Calves, Stocker/Feeder and Health Feeding Cost Calculator Excel Spreadsheet
- Value of Gain Calculator Excel Spreadsheet
- Stocker Closeout PDF Description
- Stocker Closeout Excel Spreadsheet
- Stocker Closeout Blank Excel Spreadsheet
- Fed Cattle Custom Finish Profit Projection PDF Description
- Fed Cattle Custom Finish Profit Projection Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finish Closeout PDF Description
- Custom Finish Closeout Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finish Closeout Blank Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finish and Carcass Closeout Example Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finish and Carcass Closeout Blank Excel Spreadsheet
- Finishing Cattle –Calculate Total Costs and Net Margin PDF Description
- Finishing Cattle –Calculate Total Costs and Net Margin Excel Spreadsheet
- Finishing Cattle Value of Gain Calculator (VOG) Excel Spreadsheet
Cattle Inventories
- Monthly Cattle Inventory, Head Day and AUM PDF Description
- Monthly Cattle Inventory, Head Day and AUM Excel Spreadsheet
- Registered and Commercial Cattle and Horse Inventory for Balance Sheet Report PDF Description
- Registered and Commercial Cattle and Horse Inventory for Balance Sheet Report Excel Spreadsheet
- Cattle and Horse Inventory for Balance Sheet Report PDF Description
- Cattle and Horse Inventory for Balance Sheet Report Excel Spreadsheet
- Market Cattle Stocker and Fed Cattle Balance Sheet PDF Description
- Market Cattle Stocker and Fed Cattle Balance Sheet Excel Spreadsheet
- Stocker Cattle Monthly and Annual Inventory PDF Description
- Stocker Cattle Monthly and Annual Inventory Excel Spreadsheet
Market Cattle Stocker and Fed Cattle Inventory
Cow-Calf Herd Health Economics
- Cow-Calf Health Economics and Planning PDF Description
- Cow-Calf Health Economics Excel Spreadsheet
- Example Cow-Calf Health Plan Excel Spreadsheet
- Blank Cow-Calf Health Plan Excel Spreadsheet
- Cattle Health & Treatment Record Excel Spreadsheet
- Delayed Pregnancy Impact on Calf Revenue Excel Spreadsheet
Program Cattle Economics
- Current Versus Program Cattle Marketing-Added Revenue Versus Added Costs PDF Description
- Example Weaned Calf Program Evaluation Excel Spreadsheet
- Example Stocker Cattle Program Evaluation Excel Spreadsheet
- Blank Program Cattle Evaluation Excel Spreadsheet
- Example Program Cattle Source and Age Record Verification Costs Excel Spreadsheet
- Blank Program Cattle Source and Age Record Verification Costs Excel Spreadsheet
- Health, Treatment, Feed and Grazing Cost Calculator Excel Spreadsheet
- Cattle Health Record by Group or Lot Excel Spreadsheet
- Precondition Cattle Projection and Closeout PDF Description
- Example Precondition Projection Excel Spreadsheet
- Precondition Closeout Excel Spreadsheet
- Stocker-Feeder Projection and Closeout PDF Description
- Stocker-Feeder Example Excel Spreadsheet
- Stocker-Feeder Example Excel Spreadsheet
- Purchased Calf or Stocker Example/Feeder Example Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finished Cattle Projection and Closeout PDF Description
- Custom Finished Cattle Projection and Closeout Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finish Projection Blank Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finish Closeout Example Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finish Closeout Blank Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finish Closeout – Detailed Carcass Example Excel Spreadsheet
- Custom Finish Closeout – Detailed Carcass Blank Excel Spreadsheet
Program Cattle Partial Budget and Data
Program Cattle Retained Ownership Economic Evaluation
Herd Bull Replacement Economics of Alternatives
- Herd Bull Replacement Economics of Alternatives PDF Description
- Sexed Semen Bull Cost Excel Spreadsheet
- Conventional AI Bull Cost Excel Spreadsheet
- Sexed Embryo Transfer Bull Cost Excel Spreadsheet
- Non-Sexed Embryo Transfer Bull Cost Excel Spreadsheet
- Purchased or Raised Bull Investment Cost and Planning Excel Spreadsheet
- Replacement Heifer Cleanup Bull Economics PDF Description
- Replacement Heifer Cleanup Bull Economics Excel Spreadsheet
- Bull Purchase, Sales & Death Record PDF Description
- Bull Purchase, Sales & Death Record Example Excel Spreadsheet
- Bull Purchase, Sales & Death Record Blank Excel Spreadsheet
Beef Sexed Semen Based Breeding Systems – Economics of Alternative Uses
- Sexed Semen Beef Cattle Breeding Economics Decision Aids Guide
- Sexed Semen AI Advantage Steers Vs. Heifers PDF Description
- Sexed Semen AI Advantage Steers Vs. Heifers Excel Spreadsheet
- Replacement Heifers Sexed AI Vs. Natural Service PDF Description
- Replacement Heifers Sexed AI Vs. Natural Service Excel Spreadsheet
- Replacement Heifer Sexed Semen Vs. Conventional AI PDF Description
- Replacement Heifer Sexed Semen Vs. Conventional AI Excel Spreadsheet
- Seedstock Sexed Vs. Conventional AI Bulls Vs. Heifers AI PDF Description
- Seedstock Sexed Vs. Conventional AI Bulls Vs. Heifers AI Excel Spreadsheet
- Sexed Semen AI Heifer Budget PDF Description
- Sexed Semen AI Heifer Budget Excel Spreadsheet
- Replacement Heifer Standardized Performance Analysis (SPA) PDF Description
- Replacement Heifer Standardized Performance Analysis (SPA) Excel Spreadsheet
*Disclaimer: These spreadsheets are provided by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension for educational use and solely on an “AS IS” basis. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension assumes no liability for the use of these programs.