Starting and maintaining marketing clubs has been a crucial part of the Master Marketer Educational System. Master Marketer serves as a training program for marketing club participants and leaders, giving them the marketing tools and reference materials to share the education with other producers.
Marketing club structure can vary from club to club. Many clubs meet monthly for the Ag Network Teleconference to listen to up-to-date marketing information from national panels of experts. Clubs also host guest speakers or teach each others using resources from the Risk Management Curriculum Guide, their Master Marketer materials, and current events in marketing news. Some clubs even participate in paper trading to gain confidence and experience with actual trading!
Anyone can start a marketing club, and Master Marketer is a great way to create a “toolkit” full of marketing tools and information to share with a group of producers, as well as a great way to practice and gain confidence in your own marketing.
Marketing Club Resources:
- Click on our Impacts-Producer Returns section to see the tremendous economic impact marketing clubs have had for farmers.
- To find a club near you, contact your district economist or your County Office for more information.
- The Cookbook for Organizing a Marketing Club facilitates the planning process for a county level marketing club.
- Utilize the Risk Management Curriculum Guide for options to consider when manageing risk.
- Read our quarterly Master Marketer Newsletter filled with timely marketing information, club activity, and current events.
- We offer other In-Depth Educational Programs provided by Extension Economists.
- Check here for Ag Network Teleconference updates.
- To understand terms used in the markets terms, connect to the Glossary of Futures and Options from the CME Group.
- To learn how futures trading came to be, link to the CME History of Futures Markets.