District 8
- Cotton RR/BT stacked
- Grain Sorghum (Fall Fertilizer)
- RR Corn (Fall Fertilizer)
- RR Corn Silage (Dryland, Fall Fertilizer)
- RR Cotton
- Soybeans
- Spanish Peanuts, Irrigated
- Wheat Production, Grazing Only
- Wheat, Hard Red Winter
- Wheat Production, High Input Management
- Wheat Production with Grazing
- Input Data
- Bermudagrass Overseeded with Ryegrass & Clover
- Cow Calf Production, Improved Pasture, 40 Cow Herd
- Cow Calf Production, Native Pasture, 40 Cow Herd
- Coastal Bermudagrass Establishment
- Coastal Bermudagrass Hay
- Coastal Bermudagrass Pasture
- Stocker Calf Production (Native Pasture)
- Wheat Production, Grazing Only