Cuba: Prospects and Issues for Agricultural Trade

Organized Symposium Proposal

Organizer: Multistate Research Project, S1043, “Economic Impacts of International Trade and Domestic Policies on Southern Agricultureā€

Contact Person:
Suzanne Thornsbury
USDA Economic Research Service
355 E Street SW
Washington, DC
20024-3221 USA
[email protected]

Title: Cuba: Prospects and Issues for Agricultural Trade
Dr. David Schweikhardt
Michigan State University
[email protected]


Cassandra Copeland, Curtis Jolly and Henry Thompson; E-Mail:  [email protected]
“The History and Potential of Trade Between Cuba and the US”

Flynn Adcock and Dan Hanselka; Email: [email protected]
“Economic Impacts of U.S. Exports to Cuba on the South”

Jonathan Coleman and William Messina, Jr.; Emails: [email protected]
and [email protected]
“The Evolving Role of the United States as a Major Food Supplier to Cuba”


Discussants: Daniel Whitley (USDA Foreign Agricultural Service; [email protected]) and Andrew Schmitz (University of Flori

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