AAEA 2004 Symposium 1: Trade Agreement Impacts on U.S. Agriculture


August 2004 Denver, Colorado


C. Parr Rosson, III
Flynn J. Adcock
(979) 845-3070
[email protected]
Texas A&M University
Dept. of Agricultural Economics
2124 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2124

TITLE:  Trade Agreement Impacts on U.S. Agriculture

ABSTRACT: During the ten years since the implementation of The North American Free Trade Agreement, U.S., Canadian, and Mexican agricultural interests have faced both new opportunities and challenges. Now, the United States has recently concluded trade agreements with Chile and Central American countries while continuing to negotiate the Free Trade Area of the Americas. Agricultrual economists from throughout North America will assess the impacts of these new trade agreements on U.S. agricultrue and share their observations in this symposium. Lessons learned from recent experiences in free trade will be highlighted, examined, and discussed, and the implications for applied research and extension education program development will be discussed.

MODERATOR: Darren Hudson, Mississippi State University


Jaime Malaga, Texas Tech University, and Flynn Adcock, Texas A&M University “U.S.-Chile FTA: Opportunities, Competition, and Complementary Relationships
Parr Rosson, Texas A&M University “The Impact of CAFTA on U.S. Agriculture
Won Koo, North Dakota State University “Free Trade of the Americas and Implications for U.S. Agriculture
Lynn Kennedy, Louisiana State University “Potential Impacts on Sugar from New Trade Agreements

Respondent: Mickey Paggi, Fresno State University “Response and Lessons from NAFTA”

FORMAT:Hudson will introduce the topic and moderate the symposium. Malaga and Adcock will identify the major components of the U.S.-Chile FTA, highlight opportunities for U.S. agriculture, and discuss the nature of imports from Chile. Rosson discuss the major growth areas
and potential competition related to the CAFTA agreement. Koo will provide an overview of the current status of FTAA negotiations and examine the potential impacts of increased trade throughout the Western Hemisphere. Kennedy will focus on the impacts of the FTAA and CAFTA on the U.S. sugar industry. Paggi will briefly respond to the presentations, identify the major implications for the development of applied research and extension programs, and set the stage for continued discussion.

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