Build your own Budgets:
- Spreadsheet Budgets* (Spreadsheet Budget Help Video – best viewed in full screen)
- Using The Spreadsheet Budgets (help file)
- Machinery Cost Estimator (calculate your machinery cost)
*Caution: This file may not open in some browsers. If so, download the file to your computer when given the option by your browser, then open the file in Excel. If you still have trouble with the file try downloading this zip file and extracting the Excel file from it.
Forage Crops
- Alfalfa, Roundup Ready, Establishment, Center Pivot Irrigated
- Alfalfa, RoundUp Ready, Full Season, Baled – 6.5 ton, Center Pivot Irrigated
- Dryland Bermudagrass Establishment
- Dryland Bermudagrass Hay
- Dryland Forage Oats, Follow Small Grains
- Non-Irrigated Sorghum Haygrazer, 3 ton yield
Field Crops
- Drip Irrigated Cotton, RF
- Drip Irrigated Cotton, Auxin Technology
- Dryland Cotton, B2RF, Follow Wheat
- Dryland Cotton, Auxin Technology, Follow Wheat
- Dryland Oats, Follow Small Grains
- Dryland Sesame
- No-Till Dryland Sorghum, Follow Cotton
- Con-Till Wheat, Dryland, Follow Wheat
- No-Till Wheat, Dryland, Follow Cotton
- Cow-Calf Native Pasture
- Commercial Hair Sheep, Lamb Production, 6 Head per AU
- Commercial Sheep, Wool/Lamb Production, 5 Head per AU
- Commercial Meat Goats, 6 Head per AU
- Small Acreage Meat Goats
- Small Acreage Hair Sheep
- Stocker Calf Budget – Native Pasture – Summer
- Stocker Calf Budget – Pull off Wheat March 15