Agricultural and Food Policy Center

The Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) ( conducts analyses of the impacts of government policy proposals and/or implementation procedures on farmers, agribusiness’s, taxpayers, and consumers. Its primary constituency is the U.S. Congress, particularly the Agriculture Committees. The AFPC also conducts research and/or educational programs for government agencies, farm and agribusiness organizations, and agricultural leadership throughout Texas and the nation. Specific AFPC objectives include:

  • Respond to legislative requests for analyses of agricultural and food policy options.
  • Identify and define emerging agricultural, resource and food policy issues.
  • Identify and clarify agricultural and food policy options.
  • Analyze the impacts of changes in macroeconomic policy on agriculture.
  • Develop educational programs and publications to explain the results of AFPC research and improve understanding of policy options and their consequences.
  • Provide leadership in developing new scientific methods for analyzing public policy issues.

Agricultural and Food Policy Center

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