Category Archives: Weekly Round Up

December 15, 2023 Weekly Round Up

Here we are with our final Weekly Round Up of the year.  Thank you so much for reading! *Defendants file counterclaims in show goat lawsuit.  One of our most popular posts of the year was discussing a lawsuit involving a show goat in California.  [Read post here.]  Recently, two defendants have filed a countersuit against the goat owners.  [Read Answer & Counterclaim here.  Specifically, the CEO and the Superintendent of the livestock show filed five counter claims.  Essentially, they allege that Jessica (the mother of the goat exhibitor)… Read More →

December 8, 2023 Weekly Round Up

We’ve made it to December!  While many people are slowing down as we head into the holidays, agricultural law is not!  Here are a few stories recently in the news. *US Supreme Court will hear Texas property owners’ takings claims against DOT.  The US Supreme Court has granted the Petition for Certiorari in Devillier v. State of Texas, a case involving a lawsuit by property owners to cover flood damages they claim were caused by a DOT highway project.  [Read Petition here.] *Second marriages and farm transition planning publication… Read More →

November 17, 2023 Weekly Round Up

There have been a number of developments in key agricultural law issues around the country over the past couple of weeks.  From the Farm Bill to Right to Farm, WOTUS to water law, we’ll get you up to speed! *Texas voters pass Constitutional right to farm, other Constitutional amendments.  On November 7, Texas voters overwhelmingly passed Proposition 1, which means that Texans now have a right to farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture, and wildlife management in the State Constitution.  [Read more about Prop 1 language here and read… Read More →

November 3, 2023 Weekly Round Up

Time continues to fly as we have reached the last 60 days of the year!  There has been no shortage of agricultural law news around the country the past couple of weeks. *Texas Drone Law Upheld by U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.  The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has reversed a lower court decision striking down the Texas Privacy Act, a law related to privacy and drone usage.  You may recall from this blog post, a federal district court sided with journalists… Read More →

October 13, 2023 Weekly Round Up

Well, better late than never as the saying goes.  We’re sneaking in right before the clock strikes midnight with our recap of some of the biggest ag law stories in the news over the past few weeks. *SEC Chair testifies that privately held farms will be exempt from climate emissions reporting under forthcoming rule.  Last month, Gary Gensler, the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission told Congress that the SEC intends to exempt privately owned farms from climate emissions reporting requirements when selling to publicly traded companies. … Read More →

September 8, 2023 Weekly Round Up

We’re back again with another rundown of some of the key ag law issues in the news this week. *There is a new I-9 form that must be used starting November 1, 2023.  The US Citizenship and Immigration Services released a new I-9 form on August 1.  For now, employers may use either the new form or the current form, but as of November 1, all employers must use the new form. You can find the new form here.  A summary of the changes may be found here…. Read More →

August 25, 2023 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday!  Once again, we’ve had a number of ag law issues in the news the past couple of weeks. * Bipartisan group of lawmakers ask House Agriculture Committee Chairman not to include EATS Act in the next Farm Bill.  A letter signed by more than 170 lawmakers asks House Ag Committee Chair Glenn “GT” Thompson not to include the EATS Act in a new farm bill.  The Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression Act was proposed after the Supreme Court upheld California’s Proposition 12 and would prohibit such measures in… Read More →

August 11, 2023 Weekly Round Up

It has been an unbelievably busy week around here, I bet the same is true for many of you.  Welcome to those of you joining from the Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course and the Southern Family Farmers and Food Systems Conference.  Here are some ag law stories recently in the news. * Podcast episode recapping Texas Legislative Session for agriculture.  Yesterday, we released a podcast episode with J. Pete Laney recapping the 88th Texas Legislative Session and the key bills related to agriculture.  It’s become a tradition for… Read More →

July 28, 2023 Weekly Round Up

We’ve reached the end of July!  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news. *Court rules that challenge to EPA dicamba registration brought by farm groups belongs in district court.  The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia recently ruled that a lawsuit filed by the American Soybean Association against the EPA should have been filed in the district court (trial level court) rather than at the court of appeals level.  Because of this, the court dismissed the case for lack of jurisdiction…. Read More →

July 14, 2023 Weekly Round Up

There has been no summer break for news in the agricultural law world.  Here are a few stories in the news recently. *Texas federal court issues stay Biden WOTUS Rule litigation until revised rule released.  A federal judge in Texas issued a stay in litigation challenging the Biden WOTUS Rule, which was promulgated earlier this year.  The stay was issued in light of the recent US Supreme Court decision in Sackett v. EPA, holding that the “significant nexus” test is not the proper method of determining whether a wetland… Read More →