Category Archives: Water Pipeline Projects

2016 Ag Law Year in Review: State Level

Happy New Year!  We are back with Part II in our series looking back at the biggest agricultural law issues of 2016.  If you missed Part I, which focused on federal issues, click here.  Today, we will be focused on Texas-specific issues. *Jury issues $2.4 million verdict in Bragg v. Edwards Aquifer Authority.  The seemingly unending saga of the Bragg case came to an end in 2016.  On remand, a Medina County jury issued a judgement in the amount of $2.5 million (exclusive of interest) in favor of the Braggs as… Read More →

May 27, 2016 Weekly Round Up

It has been a busy couple of weeks around here, sorry for the delay in Weekly Round Up posts!  Recently, Atascoca County Extension Agent, Dale Rankin, had me present online to a couple of different extension meetings in south Texas.  Next up, I traveled to Austin to attend the Stiles Farm Legislative Field Day.  There were a number of legislators and their staffers at this event, where we were able to showcase and educate about agriculture and issues important to the industry.  Kudos to Ryan Collett and his team for… Read More →

April 29, 2016 Weekly Round Up

I want to apologize for the lack of blog posts over the last couple of weeks.  We had a death in our family and have been dealing with all that goes with that situation.  I hope to be back in the saddle with posts back to normal next week.  For now, here are a look at some of the ag law stories in the news this last week of April. * WOTUS Ruling Not Coming Anytime Soon.  Ag Professional recently published an article discussing the likely timeline for… Read More →

April 15, 2016 Weekly Round Up

First, I want to apologize to those of you attending the Texas and Southwest Cattle Raisers Convention for my absence last Friday.  We had a family medical emergency pop up on my way to Ft. Worth that required me to turn around and come home.  I’m happy to report that all is well now and hopefully my husband’s grandfather is on the mend.  Second, it’s been another busy week in the ag law realm. Here are some of the key stories in the news. * Texas Water Development… Read More →

April 1, 2016 Weekly Round Up

This week found me in west Texas speaking at county extension meetings in Reagan, Coke, and Upton Counties.  Many thanks to county extension agents Chase McPhaul, Morgan Runyan, and Raymond Quigg for the invitations.  Welcome to those of you new to the blog from these programs.  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. * US Supreme Court Hears Argument in Hawkes Clean Water Act Case.  This week, oral argument was held in an important Clean Water Act case at the United States Supreme… Read More →

March 18, 2016 Weekly Round Up

I hope you all had a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day!  Here are a few of the ag law stories making news this week. * Senate rejects voluntary GMO labeling bill.  On Wednesday, the US Senate rejected a bill that would have created a voluntary GMO labeling system and would have prohibited states from imposing mandatory labeling requirements.  Proponents of the bill claim that GMOs are safe and that labeling should not be mandatory as it would increase food prices.  Further, they argue that allowing states to pass different… Read More →

February 26, 2016 Weekly Round Up

Hello and welcome to the last Friday in February!  Earlier this week, I was in College Station speaking along with my friend and colleague, Shannon Ferrell, at a program called Petroleum Production on Agricultural Lands in Texas:  Managing Risks and Opportunities.  We had a great turn out and want to welcome those of you joining us from that presentation!  Now, on to the agricultural law news of the week, much of which is water related today. * Breakdown of the Bragg verdict.  As you read earlier this week, a… Read More →

January 15, 2016 Weekly Round Up

This week I made the drive to Lubbock to speak at the “Seeking Solutions” extension meeting.  It was a great program and I really enjoyed the opportunity to visit with producers about agricultural law.  To those of you joining the blog from that event, welcome!  Here are some ag law stories in the news this week. * What You Need To Know About Selling Your Oil and Gas Interests.  Texas attorney Aimee Hess recently wrote a great blog post discussing the sale of mineral interests.  She offers some… Read More →

June 5, 2015 Weekly Round Up

This week I gave two presentations via the internet to folks in San Angelo and in Jefferson County.  To those of you new to the blog from these presentations, welcome! It’s been another busy week in the agricultural law realm. *  Hays County Groundwater Bill on Governor’s Desk.  The Texas Legislature passed HB 3405, known as the  Hays County Groundwater Bill, sending it on to Governor Abbo[Read article here.]  As you likely recall from prior blog posts, Hays County finds itself in the middle of a groundwater battle… Read More →

May 15, 2015 Weekly Round Up

Last week, I found myself all over the state at various meetings.  I kicked things off in Ft. Worth, where I spoke on agricultural law at Annie’s Project.  Next up, I discussed wildlife leases at a program sponsored by the Texas Parks and Wildlife in Bonham.  Finally, I wrapped things up speaking at a Landowner Rights Seminar in College Station.  To those of you new to the blog from these presentations, welcome! Here are some of the ag law stories recently in the news. * Groundwater Continues in… Read More →