Category Archives: Uncategorized

Panhandle District Awards Banquet

I was very humbled yesterday to be part of groups that won at the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Panhandle District Banquet. Our Ranchers Leasing Workshop Team, made up of Austin Voyles, Fred Hall, Kim Garcia, Shannon Ferrell, Paul Goeringer, Rusty Rumley, and myself) won the Team Teaching Award for our programs last year.  As part of a grant from the Southern Extension Risk Management Education Center, we put on 5 leasing workshops in 3 states and wrote the Ranchers’ Agricultural Leasing Handbook.  After the success of these programs, we… Read More →

Look for the Helpers

In light of what has been going on in the Panhandle this week, we are going to take a break from the Weekly Round Up today and, instead, take a moment to think of those struggling after the wildfires.  I wrote this article about the events of this last week and thought I would share. Years ago, I heard a quote by Mr. Rogers.  He said that when tragedy strikes and everything seems so dark, you should look for the helpers. The firemen running into burning buildings. The… Read More →

TCAAA State Specialist of the Year in Texas Agriculture

Over the summer, I was very honored to be awarded the “State Specialist of the Year in Texas Agriculture” award from the Texas County Agricultural Agents Association. This group is made up of extension agents from across the state.  I so enjoy the chance to work with these folks and really appreciate them giving me this award.

Three-Peat as American Bar Association Top 100 Blawg

We are excited and honored that for the third year in a row, the Texas Agriculture Law Blog has been selected as one of the top 100 legal blogs (“blawgs”) by the American Bar Association.  To view the full 2017 Blawg 100 list, click here. According to the American Bar Association Acting Editor-Publisher, Molly McDonough, “For 10 years, the Blawg 100 has helped shine a light on the stunning breadth of legal topics and voices to found in the legal blogosphere.  Journal editors have selected yet another stellar… Read More →

She’s Here!

As I mentioned previously, the Weekly Round Up will be on hold for a couple of months while I am out on maternity leave.  We recently welcomed our second little one–a girl this time–to our family.  Thank you all of your kind words and well-wishes!

Texas A&M Law School Quiz Bowl Champions

I want to take a moment and give a huge shout out to the Texas A&M University Law School team on winning the 2016 American Agricultural Law Association Quiz Bowl.  Team members are Stephanie Bradley Fryer, Tave Doty, and James Nichols. When I taught the first agricultural law course at the TAMU law school in 2014, I was really impressed with the quality of students.  That has certainly continued over the years.  Very proud of this group and encourage all of you looking for good new associates for… Read More →

2016 Land Values Summary Released

In addition to the Cash Rent Report that we discussed last week, the USDA also published its yearly Land Values Summary earlier this month.  This survey looks at land prices and values nationwide.  To view the full report, click here. Farm Real Estate Value First up is the farm real estate value, which looks at the value of all land and buildings on farms.  A farm is defined as “any establishment from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were sold or would normally be sold during the… Read More →

First American Agricultural Law Association Teleforum This Thursday!

What do you have planned for your lunch hour on Thursday?  Stale sandwich?  Taking a nap?  A jog on the treadmill? For those of you interested in agricultural law, environmental law, water, law, or all of the above, we are excited to announce the Inaugural American Agricultural Law Association Teleforum will be held this Thursday, July 28 at 12:00 CST. The Teleconference is free for everyone to join and listen to attorneys who were actually involved in the Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes case talk about the case, the… Read More →

ABA Blawg 100 Nominations Are Open!

It’s that time of year again…the American Bar Association is taking nominations for its list of the top 100 legal blogs (called “Blawgs”).  [Read press release here.] To nominate the Texas Agriculture Law Blog, just click here and fill out the quick nomination form.  The deadline for submissions is August 7, 2016.   We are hoping that the third time is the charm and we make the list for a third year in a row.  For the last two years, we’ve been the only agriculture law blog to… Read More →

Violations of Veterinary Feed Directive Could Lead To Stiff Penalties

The Veterinary Feed Directive has been in the news a great deal lately.  This prior blog post explained the rule and the impacts it will have on producers.  One important issue, however, has not been frequently discussed.  What are the potential penalties faced by a person who violated the rules of the Veterinary Feed Directive? Background The Veterinary Feed Directive will make three significant changes to how medicated feed may be used by livestock producers.  First, many drug labels are currently being modified to limit the use of… Read More →