Category Archives: Local Fracking Bans

Agriculutral Law: What To Watch in 2015

As everyone is recovering from the New Year celebrations and getting back to the grindstone, I thought it would be fun to highlight a few of the major ag law issues to watch in 2015. Water Disputes Unfortunately, this issue will likely top the list every year for the near future.  Across the country we are seeing more and more water-related disputes.  In addition to the issues outlined in my 2014 Year in Review post, there are two additional issues I think will be in the forefront this year. Water… Read More →

December 9, 2014 Weekly Round Up

Because I did not get the Weekly Round Up post up last Friday, I figured better late than never, so here is the first-ever Tuesday weekly round up of ag law stories in the news. * LCRA Seeks Approval to Cut Off Downstream Irrigation Releases for Fourth Year in a Row.  In a story that is unfortunately becoming all to common, the Lower Colorado River Authority voted 11-2 to seek permission from the TCEQ to curtail downstream releases from the Highland Lakes.  The curtailment would not just impact… Read More →

November 21, 2014 Weekly Round Up

We made it to Friday!  Tomorrow I will be teaching my last law school class at the Texas A&M School of Law in Ft. Worth.  I have so enjoyed the opportunity to teach this class and was fortunate to have an absolutely outstanding group of students.  To those students visiting the blog, welcome and thanks for a great semester! Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. * Railroad Commission Finalizes New Disposal Well Safety Rule.  The Texas Railroad Commission has promulgated a new… Read More →

November 14, 2014 Weekly Round Up

Another weekend has arrived!  I hope you have all managed to stay warm during this first major winter snap of the season.  Here are a few ag law stories making news this week. *  Article Profiles Karnes City Response to Oil Boom.  The Texas Tribune ran an interesting article on how Karnes City, in the heart of the Eagle Ford Shale, is handling the impacts of the current oil boom.  The article highlights the benefits that the oil field has brought to the town, including money for a new high school,… Read More →

Local Fracking Laws Could Impact Ranchers

I recently wrote an article for Progressive Cattleman magazine discussing how local fracking bans that are popping up across the country could impact ranchers. These laws are being passed by counties, such as Mora County, New Mexico, and cities, such as Denton, Texas, across the country.  Frequently, laws banning fracking (or some written even more broadly to prohibit all oil and gas production) are challenged in court by the oil and gas industry and mineral owners who wish to lease their mineral rights to an oil or gas… Read More →

Weekly Round Up Catch Up (October 24 – November 7)

You all may have noticed the lack of weekly round up posts for the last couple of Fridays.  I apologize for that, but hope you will agree I had a good excuse…. In addition to getting married, I was also fortunate to be able to speak at two national conferences.  First, I spoke on grazing and hunting leases at the American Agricultural Law Association Conference in Albuquerque and then I spoke on regulatory takings of water at the American Water Resources Association Conference in Washington, DC.  Both were… Read More →

Breaking News: Election Results Impacting Agriculutre Across the Country

Now that the dust has settled, here are the results for several of the ballot initiatives impacting agriculture that we have previously discussed on this blog. * Denton Becomes First Texas City to Ban Fracking.  Denton voters passed a controversial ban on fracking within the city limits.  Fifty-nine percent of votes cast were in favor of the measure.  The ban will nearly certainly result in litigation from mineral rights owners and the oil and gas industry.  [Read articles here and here.]   * Colorado Rejects Mandatory GMO Labeling.  Proposition 105,… Read More →

October 10, 2014 Weekly Round Up

October is an exciting month for me and will be culminating in a couple of major changes.  I will be getting married at the end of the month! As a result of the upcoming nuptials, I will be transferring office locations.  I will still be working in my same role with Texas A&M Agrilife Extension as the state-wide Extension Agricultural Law Specialist, but I will be moving my base office to our Amarillo District Center.  It is a wonderful opportunity for my husband and I to live in the same… Read More →

August 1, 2014 Weekly Round Up

This week I made the journey to Menard, TX for the “All About Water” program where I spoke about Texas water law.  It was an absolutely group in attendance and I thoroughly enjoyed their questions and participation.  Thanks to Lisa Brown for the invitation to attend.  To those of you visiting form that program, welcome! Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. *New Mexico Slaughterhouse Withdraws Permit.  Valley Meats Co. has withdrawn its permit application with the New Mexico Environment Department for… Read More →

Breaking News: Voters Will Have Final Say on Fracking in Denton

Denton voters will have the final say on whether fracking will be permitted within city limits. Last night, the Denton City Council voted 5-2 to reject the petition and unanimously to place the issue on the November ballot and let voters decide whether to ban fracking within Denton.  The vote came at approximately 3:00 am after eight hours of public discussion.  More than 100 citizens spoke at the meeting and more than 500 people were in attendance.  [Read more here and here and here.] Earlier this year, nearly 2,000… Read More →