Category Archives: Hemp

January 24, 2020 Weekly Round Up

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in agricultural law.  It has also been busy for my speaking schedule!  Welcome to those of you joining from my programs in Palestine, Carthage, Amarillo, Lubbock, and Floydata. Here are some of the ag law stories in the news. *TDA published proposed Texas hemp regulation.  The Texas Department of Agriculture has published its proposed Texas hemp regulation.  [View proposed regulation here.]  Importantly, this is not a final regulation as it has not yet been adopted by TDA.  On January 22, a… Read More →

January 10, 2020 Weekly Round Up

We’re here with our first Round Up of 2020!  We hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  Here are a few of the ag law stories in the news over the past couple of weeks. *Man arrested for hauling marijuana, turns out it was legal hemp.  The Texas Tribune recently published a story about a man who was arrested for hauling what authorities suspected as being marijuana.  After testing was completed, it turns out that the plants were, as the man claimed, legal hemp.  [Read article here.]  A… Read More →

December 20, 2019 Weekly Round Up

One last ag law fix before we head off into the Holidays!  Here are some of the ag law stories making news over the last couple of weeks. *WOTUS: The gift that keeps on giving.  As has become tradition around here, Shannon Ferrell and I close out the year writing about the current status of WOTUS.  If you’re curious where things currently stand, we’ve got you covered.  Just click here for our recent article in Southwest Farm Press. *Comment period for USDA Final Interim Hemp Rule extended.  The… Read More →

Video Summary of USDA Interim Final Hemp Rule

UPDATE: On February 27, 2020, the USDA announced that it will temporarily delay enforcement of two provisions of the Interim Final Rule on hemp production. until October 31, 2021 or the publication of the Final Rule, whichever is earlier.  First, the DEA will delay enforcing the requirement that THC testing must be conducted at DEA registered laboratories.  Instead, testing may be conducted by labs that are not yet DEA registered.  Second, USDA will delay enforcement of the requirement that producers use a DEA-registered reverse distrubutor or law enforcement… Read More →

USDA Interim Final Hemp Rule Summary

UPDATE: On February 27, 2020, the USDA announced that it will temporarily delay enforcement of two provisions of the Interim Final Rule on hemp production. until October 31, 2021 or the publication of the Final Rule, whichever is earlier.  First, the DEA will delay enforcing the requirement that THC testing must be conducted at DEA registered laboratories.  Instead, testing may be conducted by labs that are not yet DEA registered.  Second, USDA will delay enforcement of the requirement that producers use a DEA-registered reverse distrubutor or law enforcement… Read More →

September 20, 2019 Weekly Round Up

Hello and Happy Friday!  I want to welcome those of you joining us from our recent Owning Your Piece of Texas program in College Station and our Ranchers Leasing Workshop in Ft. Worth.  Also, welcome to those of you from Goliad County where I beamed in for a program yesterday. Here are some ag law stories in the news the past couple of weeks. *2015 WOTUS Rule Repealed.  You may have seen in the news that the EPA has issued the final rule repealing the 2015 WOTUS definition. … Read More →

July 19, 2019 Weekly Round Up

It’s been a busy week on the ag law front in Texas.  Here are some of the stories in the news this week. *Texas water battle featured in Wall Street Journal.  A water fight in Pecos County was featured in a Wall Street Journal article this week.  The article does a good job illustrating the tensions between landowners, agricultural producers, oil and gas companies, and Texas law.  [Read article here.] *New law allows killing feral hogs without hunting license.  As of September 1, 2019, no hunting license is… Read More →

June 28, 2019 Weekly Round Up

Happy Friday!  Today, I’m speaking in Crockett at our “Owning Your Piece of Texas: Top Laws Texas Landowners Need to Know” program.  You’ve only got two more chances to catch one of these free events–Cat Spring on August 26 and College Station on September 12.  For more info click here and to register click here. For a free PDF copy of the Owning Your Piece of Texas handbook, click here.  To order a hard copy, contact Lacrecia at [email protected]. Here are some ag law stories in the news… Read More →

June 14, 2019 Weekly Round Up

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the world of agricultural law.  I want to welcome those of you who I met at speaking events for the Hill Country Cattle Women in Fredericksburg and the Owning Your Piece of Texas Ag Law Workshop in San Antonio.  If you’d like to see an article  and short video about our Owning Your Piece of Texas program, click here. Here are some of the major ag law stories in the news over the past two weeks. *Lawsuit filed against US… Read More →

May 31, 2019 Weekly Round Up

We’ve reached the end of May…I’m not sure how time goes so quickly.  Here are a few ag law stories in the news recently. *Texas judge finds 2015 WOTUS Rule violated Administrative Procedures Act.  A federal judge here in Texas found that the 2015 WOTUS rule violated the Administrative Procedures Act.  Specifically, the judge found that the proposed rule, for which public comment was allowed, differed too greatly from the final rule.  In other words, because there were portions of the final rule that were significantly modified from… Read More →