Category Archives: Farm Bill

May 25, 2018 Ag Law Round Up

Good morning from sunny Lubbock, Texas!  I am here for the 12th Annual John Huffaker Ag Law Course, a legal education symposium for attorneys.  I had the privilege of discussing farm and ranch leases yesterday and have really enjoyed the other fantastic speakers on the program. Here are some of the ag law stories in the news over the last couple of weeks: *New Mexico files counterclaims against Texas and United States in water law suit.  The New Mexico Attorney General has filed the State’s Answer to the… Read More →

April 20, 2018 Weekly Round Up

Well it’s been another busy couple of weeks around here.  Last week, I spoke in Claude at an Extension Risk Management Program and in Brownfield at the Women in Ag Event.  Both were great events and I appreciate the opportunity to attend!  I also presented online to a group of County Extension Agents from South Texas and to the Dallas Area Real Estate Lawyers group, both of which had excellent questions and thoughts during the presentations.  Then, yesterday, I was in Archer City for our Ranchers Leasing Workshop. … Read More →

February 16, 2018 Weekly Round Up

Hello from Weatherford, Texas!  Last night, I spoke at an Extension meeting in Denton County and today I’ll be speaking at the Country Land Stewardship Conference here in Weatherford.  Welcome to those of you joining us from these events. Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. *Budget bill allows seed cotton to be a covered commodity under Farm Bill.   On February 9, Congress passed a budget that made seed cotton a covered commodity for the 2018 crop year under the current Farm Bill’s… Read More →

February 2, 2018 Weekly Round Up

Welcome to February and Happy Groundhog Day!  This week I had some much-needed time in the office and was able to give an online guest lecture to the Ag Leadership class at Mississippi State University, taught by my friend, Dr. Laura Greenhaw.  Welcome to any new followers from her class! Here are some of the major ag law stories in the news this week. * EPA sets the effective date for 2015 WOTUS rule for 2020.  You may remember this prior post where we discussed the US Supreme… Read More →

October 6, 2017 Weekly Round Up

This week I traveled to Fredericksburg for the Bennett Trust Women’s Stewardship Conference and to Johnson City for the Pedernales Wildlife Management Co-Op Meeting.  This trip, I had a two-year old sidekick with me who thoroughly enjoyed the fun.  Welcome to those of you joining from these programs. Here are some of the ag law stories in the news. * Farm program payments under ARC/PLC are going out beginning this week.  Those of you enrolled in the ARC and PLC programs keep an eye on your mailboxes.  The… Read More →

October 7, 2016 Weekly Round Up

Happy October!  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. * Supreme Court to consider landmark groundwater dispute between Mississippi and Tennessee.  A groundwater dispute in which Mississippi claims that Tennessee is over-pumping an aquifer that lays beneath both states will be considered by the United States Supreme Court.  [Read article here.] *Lots to think about before entering into a solar lease agreement.  The Texas Observer published an article this week discussing a number of considerations that landowners need to keep in mind when approached… Read More →

December 18, 2015 Weekly Round Up

We are exactly one week from Christmas!  I hope you all are more prepared for the holiday than I am at this point!  Here are some ag law stories making news this week. *EPA violated the law by pushing “WOTUS” rule on social media.  The Government Accountability Office found this week that the EPA violated federal law in its social media campaign in favor of its “Waters of the United States” rule.  Government agencies are certainly permitted to use social media in order to provide information, but may not… Read More →

December 4, 2016 Weekly Round Up

I have enjoyed being back on the road for several programs over the last couple of weeks.  I enjoyed the chance to speak at the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau meeting in Albuquerque, discussing undercover video investigations.  Next, I sat on a panel at the Amarillo Farm and Ranch Show and fielded questions about laws related to prescribed burning and drone use.  Finally, yesterday I was in Wichita Falls presenting on grazing leases at the Cattle Trails Cow-Calf Conference.  Welcome to those of you who are new… Read More →

July 10, 2015 Weekly Round Up

We’ve made it to another Friday!  Here are some of the interesting ag law stories in the news this week.  Also, for those of you on Twitter, be sure to follow me @Tiff Dowell for more ag law news throughout the week! * Oklahoma Supreme Court Allows Suits by Property Owners Against Oil and Gas Companies for Earthquakes.  An Oklahoma property owner who claims her home was damaged due to an earthquake she claims was caused by a saltwater disposal well can pursue her legal claim  against numerous… Read More →

June 26, 2015 Weekly Round Up

It was a busy week for ag law!  In addition to the United States Supreme Court’s decision in the “raisin case” (read my summary here in case you missed it), here are some of the other ag law stories in the news this week: *United States Supreme Court Will Not Hear Appeal in Whooping Crane Case.  The US Supreme Court has denied a petition for certiorari filed by The Aransas Project seeking review in “the whopping crane case” as it has become known.  The case involved a claim… Read More →