Category Archives: Eminent Domain

Texas Supreme Court Issues Ruling in Denbury Green

Although the Texas Supreme Court decision in Denbury Green Pipeline-Texas, LLC v. Texas Rice Land Partners, Ltd. has put an end to the litigation, there are a number of unanswered questions and potential issues that remain in the opinion’s aftermath.  [Read full opinion here.]  This case will continue to have serious impacts on landowners and pipeline companies dealing with the use of eminent domain in Texas. Factual Background When the Denbury Green Pipeline project planned to build a C02 pipeline from Missisippi to Brazoria and Galveston Counties in Texas,… Read More →

Texas Eminent Domain Database Up and Running

The Texas Comptroller’s Office announced last week that its eminent domain database is now up and running.  To view the database, click here. The database, mandated by 2015 Senate Bill 1218 required the Comptroller of Public Accounts to create a comprehensive, publicly-accessible online database to provide information on all entities that have been granted eminent domain authority.  The database will be updated annually.  Currently, there are over 5,000 entities included in the online database as having been granted eminent domain authority in Texas. Users may conduct searches by… Read More →

August 26, 2016 Weekly Round Up

Sorry for the lack of Round Up Posts recently–it seems I’ve been on the road and just hadn’t gotten a chance to get one put together.  I’ve had a bit of time in my office this week, so here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week. * Grimes County passes regulation to prevent high speed rail.  The County Commissioners Court in Grimes County recently passed a regulation prohibiting high speed rails from crossing county roads without proof of eminent domain authority being given to… Read More →

July 29, 2016 Weekly Round Up

I’m not sure how it can possibly be the end of July already, but here we are!  Hope everyone had a great week.  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news. * Edwards Aquifer Authority To Pay $4.5 Million Settlement to Braggs.  After 10 years of litigation, the Medina County pecan farmers at the center of one of the biggest water law cases in Texas will be paid by the Edwards Aquifer Authority for a taking of their private property.  As you have read about… Read More →

July 15, 2016 Weekly Round Up

We’ve hit the halfway point for July and I hope everyone is staying cool in this heat!  It’s been a busy week for me.  On Monday, I gave an online presentation on agricultural leases to the 2016 Generation Next participants.  Thursday found me in Sherman, again talking ag leases.  On Friday, I wrapped things up in Greenville talking key laws for Texas landowner to beware of.  Welcome to those of you joining from these events! Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week…. Read More →

June 17, 2016 Weekly Round Up

It’s been a hot one around here this week!  Hope you all have a safe, cool weekend.  Here are some of the agricultural law stories in the news this week. * Texas Lawmaker Asks for Decision in Eminent Domain Authority for High Speed Rail.  State Representative Byron Cook is seeking an opinion from the Texas Attorney General as to whether Texas Central Partners, a private company planning a high speed train project from Dallas to Houston has eminent domain power for this endeavor.  In 2015, a Senate bill… Read More →

June 10, 2016 Weekly Round Up

We have several new blog readers this week thanks to several presentations I’ve given recently.  Two weeks ago, I was in Lubbock for the 10th Annual State Bar of Texas John Huffaker Agricultural Law Course.  In my book, this is absolute must-attend for any agricultural law attorneys!  Kudos to course directors David Waggoner and Trace Blair for all of their hard work.  Last week, I traveled to Stillwater, Oklahoma and Ft. Worth, Texas for our Ranchers’ Leasing Workshops, funded by the Southern Extension Risk Management Education Center.  We… Read More →

May 27, 2016 Weekly Round Up

It has been a busy couple of weeks around here, sorry for the delay in Weekly Round Up posts!  Recently, Atascoca County Extension Agent, Dale Rankin, had me present online to a couple of different extension meetings in south Texas.  Next up, I traveled to Austin to attend the Stiles Farm Legislative Field Day.  There were a number of legislators and their staffers at this event, where we were able to showcase and educate about agriculture and issues important to the industry.  Kudos to Ryan Collett and his team for… Read More →

April 8, 2016 Weekly Round Up

It has been a busy week around here!  On Monday, I was a co-presenter on a Right to farm webinar.  On Tuesday, I offered a water law webinar for Texas extension agents.  On Thursday night, I spoke on agricultural law hot topics to a great group in Denton.  And, finally, today I am giving three presentations at the Texas & Southwest Cattle Raisers Convention in Ft. Worth.  To all of you new faces joining the blog, welcome! * Right to farm webinar recording available.  If you missed the… Read More →

March 4, 2016 Weekly Round Up

It’s been a busy week around here!  On Tuesday I spoke on surviving undercover video investigations at the High Plains Diary Conference in Lubbock.  It was a great turn out and I really enjoyed the chance to visit with folks about this topic.  Thanks to Ellen Jordan for the invitation.  On Thursday, I was in Abilene to speak with the Master Marketer class.  I appreciate Mark Welch inviting me to attend.  To those of you joining from these events, welcome! It has been a busy ag law week,… Read More →