Recent Eminent Domain Podcasts & Resources

Eminent domain has been the hot topic in Texas recently.  With various projects from pipelines to roads to even a potential bullet train going on across the state, Texas landowners often find themselves in the crossroads of potential condemnation.  Recently, I’ve been interviewed for two podcasts and also recorded an episode for my own show with Lubbock-based attorney, Zach Brady.  I thought I would share these episodes with you all.

(Just FYI–you can listen to each of these on your computer by just clicking on the links below.  You can also listen on your favorite Podcast app or in iTunes.  These episodes are audio only, so if you don’t see a video, you’re still doing it right.)

First up, let’s talk about my interview with Zach Brady on the Ag Law in the Field Podcast.  Zach is an extremely experienced eminent domain attorney who represents clients all over the State of Texas.  He was kind enough to come on the Podcast to answer some eminent domain FAQs.  We covered everything from who has eminent domain power, to tips for landowners, to right to survey.  Zach brought a wealth of knowledge and some great advice.  He also left us with several notable quotes, including this one below that I think is important for every Texas landowner to think about.  To listen to Zach’s episode, click here.

Next, I was invited to be a guest on a great show hosted by fellow Texas A&M AgriLife Extension employee, Ryan Collett.  Ryan’s show, The Blackland Farmer Podcast is still fairly new, but is full of really useful information for Texas landowners.  Ryan manages the Stiles Farm, so he’s got a great understanding of real-world issues facing ag producers in the Lone Star State.  He asked me to come on chat about the basics of eminent domain law, and I really enjoyed our conversation.  To listen to that episode, click here.

Lastly, I was also recently a guest on The Eminent Domain Podcast, hosted by Clint Schumacher, an eminent domain attorney with Dawson & Sodd, LLP in Dallas, TX.  Clint and I chatted about legal issues that face Texas ranch owners and tenants related to eminent domain.  Clint also has a fun lightning round Q&A, so if you’re curious about topics like what I would name my imaginary boat and what celebrity I look like, you’ll learn that too.  To listen to Clint’s show, click here.

Finally, I wanted to mention two other documents that I always recommend to folks dealing with potential condemnation.  The first is the Texas Landowner Bill of Rights.  This document was put together by the Texas Attorney General’s Office and is really like the Bible for eminent domain.  It explains the various rules, explains the obligations of the agency seeking to condemn, explains the landowner’s rights and options, and much more.   You can download a copy here.  Also, I put together a pipeline easement negotiation checklist to assist landowners in thinking about some of the various terms, like Zach referred to above, that they might want to seek to include in a pipeline easement.   You can view that document here.

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