Texas Agriculture Law Blog 5th Birthday!

Five years ago today, we launched the Texas Agricultural Law Blog.  I thought it was a good idea to help provide information to landowners and agricultural producers across Texas and the United States, but I never dreamed it would  have done as well as it has!

Here are some of the numbers…

–We’ve published 585 blog posts.

–We have over 3,100 subscribers who receive every post we do via email.

–Over the last 5 years, we’ve had over 1.16 million page views!

–We’ve been named an American Bar Association Top 100 Blawg 3 times.

–We were an Expert Institute Top Legal Blog Nominee for 2017.

We want to take a moment and that you all for your support.  Our goal is to provide interesting, practical content that is useful to landowners, farmers, and ranchers that might also make for good talk at the local donut shop!

As always, we love any ideas or requests for new posts, so feel free to send those our way.

Thank you for helping to make this blog successful, you are the reason we are able to continue doing this work that we so enjoy!  Happy Blog Birthday to us all!

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