September 1, 2017 Ag Law Weekly Round Up

It has been quite a week here in Texas.  To those of you suffering the devastating floods, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

To those of you joining us this week who attended the Ranchers Leasing Workshops in Lubbock and College Station, welcome to the blog!  Also, happy to have new followers from the estate planning program I recently spoke at in Longview.

Here are some of the ag law stories making news this week.

*WOTUS Rule repeal comment period extended through September 27, 2017.  The Environmental Protection Agency has extended the deadline for submitting comments regarding the repeal of the WOTUS rule.  Comments may be submitted here.

*Water Law Update webinar featuring Jesse Richardson.  My friend and West Virginia University College of Law Professor, Jesse Richardson, will be offering a free webinar on September 6, 2017 at 11:00 CST.  Jesse will discuss legislative developments, case law, regulations, and other water-related issues in the news.  For more information, click here.

*Nuisance lawsuit filed against Hickman’s Family Farms chicken operation in Arizona.  Neighbors surrounding the Hickman Family Farms chicken operation near Tonopah, Arizona.  The facility houses about 4 million chickens and was built in 2014.  Neighbors complain of odor and flies.  Hickman says it is careful to try and prevent these issues and follows every governmental regulation.  Under Arizona law, the Right to Farm statute in that state may not apply given that the neighbor plaintiffs lived in the area before the chicken operation was built.  Under the Arizona Right to Farm statute, the defense is available only if the agricultural operation was established prior to the non-agricultural surrounding uses.  [Read article here.]

Ranchers Leasing Workshop is now available on demand to be taken anytime at your own pace. To register click here.






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