March 3, 2017 Weekly Round Up

I’m sorry for missing our Round Up last Friday, I was out with sick little ones.  Hopefully now, we are all on the mend.

Here are some of the ag law stories in the news recently.

* How to audit your farm’s I-9 forms.  Current immigration issues and discussions have had a lot of folks really paying attention to their employee paperwork.  Remember, all employers must have I-9 forms on file for all employees.  For more background info on this requirement and the nuts and bolts of completing the forms, click here.  Ag Web recently published an article on how to audit your farm’s I-9 forms and ensure that all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed.  This is a great reminder for people to go back and ensure their records are in order.  [Read article here.]

* There is no “Magic Book.”  The Prairie Farmer published a great, thought-provoking piece on estate and succession planning.  This article makes clear that there is no magic document or book that will handle all of the issues that arise when a person passes away.  It’s a good reminder for folks that there are a lot of things to consider when dealing with making an estate or succession plan.  [Read article here.]

*Summary of eminent domain bills published.  For those of you interested in following what is happening in Austin with regard to eminent domain, the Texans for Property Rights group has put together a list of bills that deal with eminent domain.  Many of these bills, if passed, will offer important protections to Texas landowners facing condemnation of their property by eminent domain.  [View summary here.]

* Why Farmers Dread Retirement.  The New York Times published a really interesting piece on why farmers dread retirement.  It outlines some interesting considerations regarding succession planning, retirement planning, and how much people really love farming.  [Read article here.]



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