Ag Law in the Field Podcast Episodes 161-170

Are you interested in agricultural law?  Do you want to hear from some of the best agricultural lawyers in the country?  We’ve got just the podcast for you!  The Ag Law in the Field Podcast releases bi-weekly and features a wide variety of topics impacting agriculture.  You can find us on all of your favorite podcast apps, just search for Ag Law in the Field or click here for our website.

If you are not familiar with Ag Law in the Field or with podcasts in general, don’t panic.  This is simply another resource we have available for you to learn more about agricultural law.  Each episode is an audio-only interview with an ag lawyer about a specific topic.  The best part…you can listen for free!  In the last 170 episodes, as you can imagine, we’ve covered a lot of ground as far as topics go.  To see our complete list of episodes, click here.  You can scroll down through the different topics and click the black triangle “play” button to listen to those that sound interesting.

Now–let’s recap episodes #161-170.  For prior recap blog posts, click here.


Episode #161: Paul Moya (Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: The Science Behind the Greatest Epidemic in Rural America)  September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and this year we visited with guest Paul Moya to unravel the complexities of mental health issues, especially in rural settings and shed light on a topic often overshadowed by urban-centric narratives. Paul’s expertise and connection to the rural heartland make our commentary both deeply insightful and profoundly relatable. 


Episode #162: Dr. Josie Rudolphi (National Farm Safety & Health Week) For National Farm Safety and Health Week, we sat down and talked with Dr. Josie Rudolphi. Dr Rudolphi is an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois where her research includes Agricultural Safety and Mental Health. Be sure to check out this episode as she discusses some tips and considerations for farm safety.  We made changes on our own operations due to what we learned from Dr. Rudolphi on this episode. 


Episode #163: Parks Brown (Carbon Capture & Sequestration Pipelines & Wells) We welcomed our friend and San Antonio-based attorney, Parks Brown, back to this show to discuss the newly emerging topic of carbon capture and sequestration.  Learn more about these types of projects and what a landowner should consider before signing on the dotted line. 


Episode #164: Ryann Glenn and Amanda Wall (“Ag Gag” Statutes and Litigation) Have you heard of “Ag Gag” statutes? This episode features agricultural lawyers Ryann Glenn and Amanda Wall, who walk us through what these statutes mean, where they have been enacted, and the result of various lawsuits challenging their constitutionality. 


Episode #165: John Huffaker (Ag Law Legends) One of our dear friends and Ag Law Legend, John Huffaker,  joined us for this episode. John talked with us on how he became interested in ag law, how his career got started, and gave advice for all the new and upcoming lawyers.  John is a legend in agricultural law–the State Bar of Texas Agricultural Law Course is named in his honor.  This is advice you do not want to miss!


Episode #166: Live from AALA – One of the key pieces of advice for aspiring ag lawyers is to join the American Agricultural Law Association.  Each year, we have a conference where ag lawyers gather from across the country to catch up and learn about the most important ag law issues facing our clients.  During the last AALA conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, we were able to sit down with some guests who attended AALA and discuss their experiences and what they enjoyed most about the conference. 


Episode #167: Paul Goeringer (2023 Ag Law Year in Review) – It’s one of our favorite year-end traditions!  Our friend and colleague, Paul Goeringer, joined me to chat about the biggest ag law stories of 2023. Our list this year included some new topics and a few frequent fliers!


Episode #168: Damien Schiff and Timothy Bishop (US Supreme Court Advocates for Agriculture) As US Supreme Court junkies here, we were really excited to have two SCOTUS advocates, Damien Schiff and Timothy Bishop join us on the podcast.  Both have recently argued agricultural law cases before the High Court and gave us a behind-the-scenes look at that experience. 


Episode #169: Robert Moore (Long Term Care Considerations for Farm & Ranch Families) No matter what age you are, this is one episode you do not want to miss! Robert walks us through long term care considerations for farm & ranch families and gives numerous resources and examples. It is never too early to start planning ahead, and this episode will help you do just that. 

Episode #170: Amber Miller and Ashley Pirtle (Corporate Transparency Act Reporting)  If you have a business entity like an LLC, corporation, or limited partnership, there are new federal reporting requirements applicable to you.  Listen in as Amber and Ashley discuss the Corporate Transparency Act and what is going to be required of entities going forward. 

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