Ag Law in the Field Podcast: Episodes 141-150

Did you know that I host a podcast about agricultural law called Ag Law in the Field?  It’s a really fun project that allows me to introduce listeners to some of the best ag lawyers in the country.

If you aren’t familiar with Ag Law in the Field or with podcasts in general, don’t panic.  This is simply another resource that I have available for you to learn more about agricultural law.  Each episode is audio-only, and I interview an ag lawyer about a specific topic.  The best part…you can listen for free!  In the last 150 episodes, as you can imagine, we’ve covered a lot of ground as far as topics go.  If you’d like to see what we have available, you can check us out on your favorite podcast app, or just click here.  You can scroll down through the different topics and click the black triangle “play” button to listen.

Episode #141: Helena Bottemiller Evich (White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, & Health) Interested in food policy? You do not want to miss this episode! Helena, who is a long-time food and agricultural law reporter, gives us the rundown on what happened at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, & Health. She also gives us a heads up and some highlights on key food policy issues to watch this year.

Episode #142: Michelle Pardo (Animal Law) Michelle is an expert when it comes to animal law, representing clients like zoos, circuses, and animal agriculture. She is a Washington, DC based attorney and has represented a number of clients around the country in litigation involving animals. Listen in as she walks through legislation and litigation she is seeing in the animal industry.

Episode #143: Heath Hemphill (When Criminal Law Meets Ag Law) When the idea for this podcast came up, I knew there was only one person to call. Heath Hemphill is the current District Attorney in Coleman County, Texas and also a fifth-generation rancher. His experience on the ranch and in the courtroom gives him a unique perspective about situations where agricultural law and criminal law meet.

Episode #144: Paul Goeringer (2022 Ag Law Year in Review) The year-end tradition continues. Each year, Paul Goeringer and I prepare a list of our top ag law updates. This year the list included lots of interesting topics. Give it a listen and see if you agree with our top legal issues of 2022!

Episode #145: Jesse Richardson and Jim Bradbury (Ag Law Lessons from Yellowstone) I kicked the New Year off right with our first episode talking with two of my favorites on Ag Law Lessons from Yellowstone! Not only did we discuss topics from all seasons of the hit television show but we discussed our favorite actors as well! Can you guess who my favorite character is? Give this episode a listen, you might be surprised.

Episode #146: Garrett Couts (Ancillary Probate) The probate process is often confusing and for people who own assets in multiple states, the confusion can greatly increase. It is always important to make sure all your affairs are in order, including thinking through how best to handle out-of-state property.  On this episode Garrett helps explain what ancillary probate is and walks us through different situations that he has experienced.

Episode #147: Gerry Beyer (Celebrity Estate Planning) You might be surprised to know a number of celebrities that did not have their affairs in order! Professor Beyer kicks off this episode with a game called Will or No Will.  Listen in, play the game, and see how well you do!

Episode #148: Micah Brown (Foreign Ag Land Ownership) Foreign ag land ownership and the laws surrounding this issue are hot topics in ag policy here in Texas and around the country. Micah Brown walks us through the current status of these laws at the federal and state level, and some of the proposed laws around the country.

Episode #149: Jonathan Wood (Endangered Species Act) The Endangered Species Act is a complex statute that can have massive impacts on landowners.  Jonathon Wood from the Property and Environment Research Center joined me to give us a basic overview of the ESA and what landowners need to know.

Episode #150: Jim Bradbury (Biden WOTUS Rule) He’s baaaaack!  Once again, our resident “Waters of the United States” expert, Jim Bradbury, joined us on the show. This time, we are talking through the Biden WOTUS Rule released at the end of 2022.

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