Ag Law in the Field Podcast: Episodes 81-90

If you are interested in agricultural law, you need to be listening to the Ag Law in the Field Podcast.  Every episode I interview an ag lawyer or other expert on an important agricultural law topic.  I’ve been fortunate to have some of the very best in the business join me!

The podcast is absolutely free to listen to, and you can do so on your computer or phone.  Don’t let the technology scare you–I promise it is really easy to listen to these episodes   Below, if you simply click on the title for each episode, that will take you directly to that episode page.  All you have to do is just click the black triangle (the “play” button) and you’ll be off and running.  You can also visit our website to look through all of the available episodes by clicking here.  If you’ve got a smart phone, you can find us on your Podcast App or iTunes.

In case you may have missed them, below is a rundown of the most recent episodes, along with links to the website and show notes for each one as well.   [Episodes 1-10, click here; Episodes 11-20, click here; Episodes 21-30, click here;  Episodes 31-40, click here; Episodes 41-50, click here; Episodes 51-60, click here; Episodes 61-70, click here and finally, Episodes 71-80, click here.

Lastly, I’m working on episode planning for 2021.  If you have suggestions for episode topics or guests you’d like to hear, please let me know!


Episode #81: Jim Bradbury (Navigable Waters Protection Rule)  The WOTUS saga continues.  We had our very own podcast WOTUS expert, Jim Bradbury, back to give us an overview of the Trump administration’s attempt to define the meaning of “waters of the United States” in what they call the Navigable Waters Protection Rule.

Episode #82: Brigit Rollins (Dicamba Litigation)  Certainly one of the biggest agricultural law stories of the year was the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit’s decision to revoke the registration for dicamba, leaving cotton and soybean farmers across the country scrambling.  Brigit Rollins of the National Agricultural Law Center talked us through the Ninth Circuit’s decision.

Episode #83:  Bart Fischer (Coronavirus Food Assistance Program “CFAP”)  The CFAP program provided payments to agricultural producers of several crops and animals.  Dr. Bart Fisher joined me to give us an overview of the CFAP program.  Don’t forget that after this podcast aired, the CFAP2 program was created.  If you are an ag producer, you have until December 11 to enroll in CFAP2.

Episode #84: Beef Industry Hot Topics  This was a really fun episode with several guests talking to us about some of the hot topics in the beef industry.  From trade to packer profits to slaughter regulations, this podcast will get you up to date and provide some important background on issues in the beef industry.

Episode #85: David LeBas (Texas Agricultural Liens)  Anytime anyone even mentions the word “lien” in my presence, I immediately tell them to call David LeBas.  David does a good amount of work in secured transactions and offered a really helpful overview of the various agricultural liens available in Texas statute.

Episode #86: John McFarland (Oil and Gas Royalties)  John McFarland, author of the extremely popular Texas Oil and Gas Blog Lawyer, came on the podcast to talk to us about all of the complicated issues surrounding oil and gas royalty.  This was an extremely popular episode and John did a great job of explaining really complex legal issues.

Episode #87: Harrison Pittman (Beef Checkoff Litigation)  Beef, it’s what’s for dinner.  It is promotional campaigns like these that are funded by the Beef Checkoff.  Harrison Pittman of the National Ag Law Center joined me on the show to tell us about litigation challenging the beef checkoff program structure in a number of states.

Episode #88: Jim Spivey (Eminent Domain and Compensation)  This episode is one that I think is extremely useful for Texas landowners. If you are facing condemnation of your property, Jim Spivey offers some critical considerations when you are dealing with how to accurately determine compensation owed.

Episode #89: Brent Hamilton (Transmission Lines)  Transmission lines are common utility projects in Texas, and they are regulated quite differently than other projects like oil and gas pipelines.  Brent Hamilton came on to talk us through the Public Utility Routing Process and to offer some tips for anyone negotiating a transmission line easement.

Episode #90: Lesley Kelly (Agriculture & Mental Health)  This is likely the most important Ag Law in the Field podcast episode I have done.  The topic of mental health and agriculture is one that is near and dear to my heart.  It was a real honor to have Lesley Kelly on the show to talk about the mental health crisis facing rural America, discuss the importance of breaking the stigma around mental health concerns,  and offers tips for anyone who is or may know someone who is suffering with these issues.

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