Recent Podcast Appearances

I’ve recently been a guest on a number of great podcasts, so I wanted to share those with you in case they might be of interest.

Andrew & Andrew on Criminal Defense “Cultivating Under the Law”

I joined  Andrew & Andrew to chat about the potential intersection between ag law and criminal law when it comes to hemp.  It was was a fun conversation and I enjoyed their perspective on hemp as criminal defense attorneys!

TSCRA Talks  “Estate Planning in Five Steps

Back in March, I joined Kristen Brown to chat about farm and ranch estate planning.  This is a critical topic all the time, but it’s been particularly in the spotlight in light of COVID-19.

TSCRA Webinar Landowner Liability

Although not a podcast, I recently did a webinar for TSCRA on landowner liability, and Stacy Fox was kind enough to record a video of the presentation and post it online.  This is one of the most important topics for people to be aware of and will have useful information for anyone who owns or leases land in Texas.

Maryland Risk Management Education Podcast  “Estate Planning in the Time of COVID-19

I’ve been told this has been Paul’s most popular podcast of 2020 so far.  We talk about the importance of estate planning and the impact of COVID-19 on executing the necessary documents.

Ag Law in the Field Podcast 

Lastly, don’t forget about my podcast, Ag Law in the Field.  Here, I interview ag lawyers on a variety of different topics from fence law to water law, landowner liability to special use tax valuation, conservation easements to landlocked property.  We’ve published 80 episodes so far, and we think you’ll enjoy them!

As always, if you’ve got suggestions for topic ideas, feel free to shoot them my way!  We’ve got some fun shows in the hopper, but I’m always looking for new ideas that are of interest to you all!

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