Do the New Electronic Logging Device Regulations Apply to You?

There has been a good deal of discussion, confusion, and concern over new regulations promulgated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requiring electronic logging devices (“ELDs”) for certain commercial motor vehicles.  How will these regulations impact agricultural producers, rodeo athletes, or stock show exhibitors?  Relatedly, there are regulations addressing who is required to obtain a commercial drivers license and what records may have to be kept that, while not new, may impact producers as well.

I will not sugarcoat it, these regulations are complex and difficult to understand.  To try and assist folks in analyzing whether these may apply, Elizabeth Rumley with the National Ag Center, and I developed an outline to help those in the agriculture industry analyze the rules.

Download the fact sheet here.

REMEMBER:  There is currently a 90-day waiver in place for haulers of agricultural commodities, including livestock and horses.  The waiver applies only to the electronic logging device and hours of service rules and will expire on March 18, 2018.  If you are relying on the waiver, you need to carry a copy with you, which you can find here.

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