Monthly Archives: January 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Steve Amosson

If you’ve been involved in agriculture in the Texas Panhandle for any amount of time, you likely know my colleague, Dr. Steve Amosson.  He’s an Extension Ag Economist here in Amarillo, and he’s officially retiring today.  Steve is a legend in the ag community and, as one person recently said at his retirement party, “There is no telling how many family farms and ranches on the High Plains have been saved by Steve.”  What a way to be remembered.  I’d like to thank Steve for all of his… Read More →

Recorded Webinar: Legal Issues Surrounding Pesticide Use

A couple of months ago, I presented a webinar for the Agricultural and Food Law Consortium on legal issues surrounding pesticide use.  We discussed the difference between state and federal regulatory authority, FIFRA approval, various state law issues, the potential legal actions that may be considered if drift occurs, and I offered some practical tips for both applicators and injured neighbors. Thanks to the National Ag Law Center and the Agricultural and Food Law Consortium for coordinating. To view the webinar, click here. Additionally, Delta Farm Press’ David… Read More →

January 26, 2018 Weekly Round Up

I tell you what, it’s been a whirlwind of a week both for my travel schedule and for ag law news!  On Monday I spoke in Pampa at a program hosted by County Extension Agents Mike Jeffcoat, Michael Wilkes, and Jody Bradford.  Then on Tuesday, I headed to Lubbock for the Seeking Solutions Regional Extension meeting.  Wednesday found me back on the road to Lubbock to speak at the Texas Alliance for Water Conservation Water College. Today, I’ll be doing an online presentation for a graduate student group… Read More →

Updated Link: Endangered Species Act Fact Sheet

In the email that went out yesterday to subscribers, the link to the Endangered Species Act Fact Sheet was broken.  It has been corrected on the blog now, but here is a link to the document.  Sorry for any inconvenience!

Texas Landowner’s Guide to the Endangered Species Act

Do you have questions about exactly what the Endangered Species Act is and how it applies to you as a private landowner?  We’ve got a fact sheet for that! Dr. John Tomacek, Kathryn Smith-Hicks, and I recently wrote a publication to help landowners get up to speed on the basics of this important, and complex, federal law.  Although the title focuses on Texas landowners, since this is a federal law, the fact sheet should be applicable to use and useful for landowners across the country. You can download… Read More →

January 19, 2018 Weekly Round Up

Welcome to those of you joining from the program I did in Clarendon on Wednesday and those of you who attended the Caprock Crops Conference at the Floyd County Friends Unity Center. Here are some of the biggest ag law stories in the news this week. * Article summarizing speeches at American Farm Bureau Convention.  I was honored to be included in an article summarizing presentations made at the recent American Farm Bureau Federation Convention in Nashville.  The article mentions presentations given by my friend Paul Goeringer and… Read More →

How Will Tax Reform Affect Agriculture?

Many people are wondering exactly how the sweeping “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” will impact their personal tax returns and what the law might mean for agriculture. I’m no tax law expert, but luckily, I know someone who is!  I was fortunate to have Kristine Tidgren from the Iowa State Center for Ag Law and Taxation join me on a recent episode of the Ag Law in the Field Podcast to discuss the ins and outs of the new tax reform law.  You can listen to the podcast… Read More →

Egg Production Practices Subject of Supreme Court Lawsuits

It is not all that often that agricultural issues make their way before the Justices of the United States Supreme Court, but recently two lawsuits were filed in the High Court involving state laws governing egg production. Background In 2008, California voters passed Proposition 2, the “Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act,” which mandated minimum cage sizes (116 square inches of floor space per chicken) for egg farms in the state of California.  The regulations were intended to allow hens to lie down, stand up, turn around, and… Read More →

January 12, 2017 Weekly Round Up

It was a busy week around here as I traveled to Nashville to speak at the American Farm Bureau Federation Conference.  It was my first time to be on the same agenda as the President, so that was quite exciting!  To those of you joining from that conference, welcome to the blog!  Here are some of the ag law stories in the news this week.   * US Supreme Court will not hear Endangered Species Act case involving Utah prairie dog.  You may remember a case in Utah where… Read More →

Pipeline Easement Negotiation Checklist and Podcast

If you’ve ever gotten notice that a pipeline company is planning on coming across your property and you found yourself facing the task of negotiating an easement, you know how intimidating that can be.  The most important thing to keep in mind is that you, as a landowner, do have rights!  You can and should take time to really negotiate with the company to ensure you are receiving adequate compensation and have included terms in the agreement to protect your property. In the last couple of months, I’ve… Read More →