Ranching in Oil and Gas Country: Rangeland Challenges

I recently gave a webinar presentation as part of the Natural Resource Webinar Series put on by the TAMU Ecosystem and Science Management Unit.  Thanks so much to Megan Clayton and Pete Flores for inviting me to join.

Texas A&M Agrilife Extension photo by Blair Fannin

Texas A&M Agrilife Extension photo by Blair Fannin

Although we were recently unable to fully cover oil and gas issues in a four hour live seminar, I was tasked with trying to condense useful information into an hour!  The first half of the webinar focuses on surface owner issues, such as how to determine mineral ownership, the dominant estate rule, surface use agreements, and terms that should be considered to protect the surface.  The second portion focuses on mineral owner issues including what is included in mineral rights and key provisions to consider when negotiating a mineral lease.

To listen to the webinar, just click here!

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