Monthly Archives: August 2015

Drones & Agriculture: Where Are We Now?

I write a monthly legal column for Progressive Cattleman Magazine, a great publication that you should definitely be subscribing to!  Last month, my article focused on drone use in American agriculture.  This is an extremely hot-button issue and a technology that could have great impacts on our  industry.  The article outlines current drone law, proposed FAA regulations, and the pros and cons of this technological advancement. To read my article, click here.

Questions from Tiffany’s Desk: Is that liability release worth more the paper it’s written on?

Question:  This is one I get a lot when I give presentations suggesting the use of liability releases before allowing people on your property to undertake certain activities like hunting or riding horses.  Are these releases enforceable?  As one gentleman put it, “Is a liability release worth any more than the paper it’s written on?” Answer:  If drafted correctly, a liability release is enforceable under Texas law and may allow the released party to avoid liablity.  Releases, however, are not favored and are narrowly construed against the released… Read More →