Monthly Archives: March 2015

Free Ag Law Resources: Ag Law Blogs

I’m going to start a new multi-part series that will last throughout the year highlighting free, useful agricultural law resources on a variety of different topics.  We will kick things off with my favorite agricultural law blogs. There are several great ag law blogs that offer excellent information about various ag law issues.  Because several new ag law blogs  have started in the last year or so, I thought it might be useful to provide a list of my favorites.  As you will see, these blogs are from attorneys… Read More →

Cotton Contract Clause Dispute Offers Important Reminders

Once again, a Texas court has issued an opinion regarding whether an arbitration provision in a cotton sales contract is enforceable.  The Amarillo Court of Appeals issued its opinion last week in Ecom USA, Inc v. Clark, which offers some lessons and reminders to parties entering contractual agreements and attorneys litigating these cases.  [Read opinion here.] Background This case was filed by a number of cotton farmers who contracted to deliver cotton they grew in 2010 and 2011 to the U.S. Cotton Growers Association, a marketing pool owned by… Read More →