Monthly Archives: November 2013

Texas Water: Groundwater Conservation Districts (Part I)

**This article is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.** Earlier in the Texas Water series, we discussed the general law applicable to Texas groundwater.  As you might recall, the Texas Legislature has tasked local Groundwater Conservation Districts (“GCDs”) with the duty of managing Texas’ groundwater.  Thus, rules and regulations of GCDs are exceptions to the general Rule of Capture.  In the next two weeks, we will discuss GCDs in Texas, today focusing on the basics of what GCDs are and how they are created, and next Monday turning to… Read More →

November 1, 2013 Weekly Round Up

**This article is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.** Although this week was light on ag law news, but it has been a busy one for me.  On Tuesday evening I was able to speak at the Walker County Fall Hay Evaluation in Huntsville.  Welcome to the new readers who attended that great event!  On Thursday, I headed to Wisconsin and am currently attending the American Agricultural Law Association Conference.  It has been a great meeting so far and I look forward to sharing some of the information that… Read More →